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Stopping complex with elements of artistic forging

        The enterprise has launched the production of original stopping complexes with elements of artistic forging.

Остановочный комплекс

Остановочный комплекс в Бобруйске

         The stop complex consists of a pavilion, two benches and a rotating street urn.

Кованая скамьяКованая уличная урна

All components are made using the art forging technique and have a high-quality color with patinated elements.

Витая трубаВитая труба

The roof and walls of the bus stop are made of high quality, durable and practical material: monolithic polycarbonate..

 Остановочный комплекс Дом связи (Бобруйск)

Image source komkur.info

Остановочный комплекс Микрорайон (Бобруйск)

Остановочный комплекс Стадион им. Прокопенко

      We invite enterprises of housing and communal services to place applications for the manufacture of bus stops for the arrangement of your settlement.


Contacts for ordering here.